Moray Zip Codes

The state of Moray has a total of 221 postal codes.

List of Cities in Moray with Zip Codes

# City Postal Code
1 Achnastank AB55
2 Aldivalloch AB54
3 Aldunie AB54
4 Altonside IV30
5 Alves IV30
6 Archiestown AB38
7 Ardgye IV30
8 Ardiecow AB45
9 Ardoch IV36
10 Ardwell AB54
11 Arradoul AB56
12 Auchbreck AB37
13 Auchenhalrig IV32
14 Auchlunkart AB55
15 Auchmair AB54
16 Auchtertyre IV30
17 Aultmore AB55
18 Backies AB56
19 Badnafrave AB37
20 Bakebare AB55
21 Ballochford AB54
22 Bardon IV30
23 Barnhill IV30
24 Bauds Of Cullen AB56
25 Berryhillock AB56
26 Bishopmill IV30
27 Blackhillock AB55
28 Blackhills IV30
29 Blairnamarrow AB37
30 Blervie Castle IV36
31 Boat O’ Brig IV32
32 Bogmoor IV32
33 Bracobrae AB55
34 Braehead AB55
35 Braes Of Enzie AB56
36 Branchill IV36
37 Branderburgh IV31
38 Briach IV36
39 Bridge Of Avon AB37
40 Bridge Of Tynet AB56
41 Brigehaugh AB55
42 Broadley AB56
43 Broadrashes AB55
44 Buckie AB56
45 Burghead IV30
46 Buthill IV30
47 Cabrach AB54
48 Califer IV36
49 Cardow AB38
50 Carron AB38
51 Chapeltown AB37
52 Charlestown Of Aberlour AB38
53 Clashnoir AB37
54 Clochan AB56
55 Cloddach IV30
56 Cloves IV30
57 Clune AB56
58 Coltfield IV36
59 Conicavel IV36
60 Covesea IV30
61 Craggan AB37
62 Craibstone AB56
63 Craigellachie AB38
64 Craigend IV36
65 Craigroy IV36
66 Craigroy Farm AB37
67 Crannach AB55
68 Crofts Of Buinach IV30
69 Cullen AB56
70 Cummingstown IV30
71 Dalchirach AB37
72 Dalestie AB37
73 Dallas IV36
74 Dandaleith AB38
75 Daugh Of Kinermony AB38
76 Dava PH26
77 Davoch Of Grange AB55
78 Deerhill AB55
79 Delavorar AB37
80 Delnabo AB37
81 Dipple IV32
82 Drumin AB37
83 Drummuir Castle AB55
84 Drumnagorrach AB55
85 Drybridge AB56
86 Dufftown AB55
87 Duffus IV30
88 Dyke IV36
89 Edintore AB55
90 Edinvale IV36
91 Elgin IV30
92 Elrick AB54
93 Farmtown AB55
94 Favillar AB55
95 Fife Keith AB55
96 Findhorn IV36
97 Findochty AB56
98 Findrassie IV30
99 Findron AB37
100 Floors AB55
101 Fochabers IV32
102 Fodderletter AB37
103 Forgie AB55
104 Forres IV36
105 Garmouth IV32
106 Garralburn AB55
107 Glenconglass AB37
108 Glenlatterach IV30
109 Glenlivet AB37
110 Gordonstoun IV30
111 Grange Crossroads AB55
112 Grange Hall IV36
113 Haugh Of Glass AB54
114 Hempriggs IV36
115 Hillside IV30
116 Hoggie AB56
117 Hopeman IV30
118 Ianstown AB56
119 Inchberry IV32
120 Inchrory AB37
121 Invererne IV36
122 Inverharroch AB54
123 Keith AB55
124 Keithmore AB55
125 Kellas IV30
126 Kingston IV32
127 Kinloss IV36
128 Kintessack IV36
129 Kirkhill AB38
130 Kirktown Of Deskford AB56
131 Knabbygates AB54
132 Knock AB54
133 Knockandhu AB37
134 Knockando AB38
135 Laggan AB55
136 Lagganvoulin AB37
137 Leanoch IV30
138 Lhanbryde IV30
139 Limehillock AB55
140 Lintmill AB56
141 Lochhill IV30
142 Logie IV36
143 Longmorn IV30
144 Lossiemouth IV31
145 Lynemore AB37
146 Maggieknockater AB38
147 Mains Of Burgie IV36
148 Mains Of Sluie IV36
149 Mains Of Tannachy AB56
150 Marypark AB37
151 Mayen AB54
152 Milltown Of Auchindown AB55
153 Milltown Of Edinvillie AB38
154 Milltown Of Rothiemay AB54
155 Milton AB56
156 Miltonduff IV30
157 Miltonhill IV36
158 Moss Of Barmuckity IV30
159 Moss-Side AB54
160 Mosstodloch IV32
161 Moy House IV36
162 Muir Of Lochs IV32
163 Muirhead IV36
164 Mulben AB55
165 Nether Dallachy IV32
166 New Elgin IV30
167 Newmill AB55
168 Newton Of Dalvey IV36
169 North Bogbain AB55
170 Oakenhead IV31
171 Orbliston IV32
172 Ordiequish IV32
173 Paddockhaugh IV30
174 Palmerscross IV30
175 Parkmore AB55
176 Phorp IV36
177 Pittendreich IV30
178 Portessie AB56
179 Portgordon AB56
180 Portknockie AB56
181 Presley IV36
182 Quarrywood IV30
183 Rafford IV36
184 Rathven AB56
185 Redhill AB54
186 Relugas IV36
187 Ringorm AB38
188 Robertstown AB38
189 Rosarie AB55
190 Roseisle IV30
191 Rothes AB38
192 Seatown AB56
193 Sheandow AB38
194 Shenval AB37
195 Sillyearn AB55
196 Slackhead AB56
197 Slate Haugh AB56
198 Spey Bay IV32
199 Speyview AB38
200 Springfield IV36
201 Stotfield IV31
202 Tauchers AB55
203 Thomshill IV30
204 Tomdow IV36
205 Tomintoul AB37
206 Tomnamoon IV36
207 Tomnaven AB54
208 Tomnavoulin AB37
209 Torbain AB37
210 Toreduff IV36
211 Towiemore AB55
212 Tullich AB55
213 Tulloch IV36
214 Upper Dallachy IV32
215 Upper Knockando AB38
216 Urquhart IV30
217 Wellhill IV36
218 Weston AB56
219 Whiteacen AB38
220 Whitemire IV36
221 Whitewreath IV30

Unordered List of Cities in Moray in Alphabetical Order

  • [‘Achnastank’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Aldivalloch’, ‘AB54’]
  • [‘Aldunie’, ‘AB54’]
  • [‘Altonside’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Alves’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Archiestown’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Ardgye’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Ardiecow’, ‘AB45’]
  • [‘Ardoch’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Ardwell’, ‘AB54’]
  • [‘Arradoul’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Auchbreck’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Auchenhalrig’, ‘IV32’]
  • [‘Auchlunkart’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Auchmair’, ‘AB54’]
  • [‘Auchtertyre’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Aultmore’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Backies’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Badnafrave’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Bakebare’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Ballochford’, ‘AB54’]
  • [‘Bardon’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Barnhill’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Bauds Of Cullen’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Berryhillock’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Bishopmill’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Blackhillock’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Blackhills’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Blairnamarrow’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Blervie Castle’, ‘IV36’]
  • [“Boat O’ Brig”, ‘IV32’]
  • [‘Bogmoor’, ‘IV32’]
  • [‘Bracobrae’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Braehead’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Braes Of Enzie’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Branchill’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Branderburgh’, ‘IV31’]
  • [‘Briach’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Bridge Of Avon’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Bridge Of Tynet’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Brigehaugh’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Broadley’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Broadrashes’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Buckie’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Burghead’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Buthill’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Cabrach’, ‘AB54’]
  • [‘Califer’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Cardow’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Carron’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Chapeltown’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Charlestown Of Aberlour’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Clashnoir’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Clochan’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Cloddach’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Cloves’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Clune’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Coltfield’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Conicavel’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Covesea’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Craggan’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Craibstone’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Craigellachie’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Craigend’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Craigroy’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Craigroy Farm’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Crannach’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Crofts Of Buinach’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Cullen’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Cummingstown’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Dalchirach’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Dalestie’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Dallas’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Dandaleith’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Daugh Of Kinermony’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Dava’, ‘PH26’]
  • [‘Davoch Of Grange’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Deerhill’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Delavorar’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Delnabo’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Dipple’, ‘IV32’]
  • [‘Drumin’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Drummuir Castle’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Drumnagorrach’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Drybridge’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Dufftown’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Duffus’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Dyke’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Edintore’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Edinvale’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Elgin’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Elrick’, ‘AB54’]
  • [‘Farmtown’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Favillar’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Fife Keith’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Findhorn’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Findochty’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Findrassie’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Findron’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Floors’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Fochabers’, ‘IV32’]
  • [‘Fodderletter’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Forgie’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Forres’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Garmouth’, ‘IV32’]
  • [‘Garralburn’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Glenconglass’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Glenlatterach’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Glenlivet’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Gordonstoun’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Grange Crossroads’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Grange Hall’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Haugh Of Glass’, ‘AB54’]
  • [‘Hempriggs’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Hillside’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Hoggie’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Hopeman’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Ianstown’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Inchberry’, ‘IV32’]
  • [‘Inchrory’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Invererne’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Inverharroch’, ‘AB54’]
  • [‘Keith’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Keithmore’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Kellas’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Kingston’, ‘IV32’]
  • [‘Kinloss’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Kintessack’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Kirkhill’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Kirktown Of Deskford’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Knabbygates’, ‘AB54’]
  • [‘Knock’, ‘AB54’]
  • [‘Knockandhu’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Knockando’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Laggan’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Lagganvoulin’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Leanoch’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Lhanbryde’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Limehillock’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Lintmill’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Lochhill’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Logie’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Longmorn’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Lossiemouth’, ‘IV31’]
  • [‘Lynemore’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Maggieknockater’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Mains Of Burgie’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Mains Of Sluie’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Mains Of Tannachy’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Marypark’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Mayen’, ‘AB54’]
  • [‘Milltown Of Auchindown’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Milltown Of Edinvillie’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Milltown Of Rothiemay’, ‘AB54’]
  • [‘Milton’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Miltonduff’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Miltonhill’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Moss Of Barmuckity’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Moss-Side’, ‘AB54’]
  • [‘Mosstodloch’, ‘IV32’]
  • [‘Moy House’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Muir Of Lochs’, ‘IV32’]
  • [‘Muirhead’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Mulben’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Nether Dallachy’, ‘IV32’]
  • [‘New Elgin’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Newmill’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Newton Of Dalvey’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘North Bogbain’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Oakenhead’, ‘IV31’]
  • [‘Orbliston’, ‘IV32’]
  • [‘Ordiequish’, ‘IV32’]
  • [‘Paddockhaugh’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Palmerscross’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Parkmore’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Phorp’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Pittendreich’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Portessie’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Portgordon’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Portknockie’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Presley’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Quarrywood’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Rafford’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Rathven’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Redhill’, ‘AB54’]
  • [‘Relugas’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Ringorm’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Robertstown’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Rosarie’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Roseisle’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Rothes’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Seatown’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Sheandow’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Shenval’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Sillyearn’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Slackhead’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Slate Haugh’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Spey Bay’, ‘IV32’]
  • [‘Speyview’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Springfield’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Stotfield’, ‘IV31’]
  • [‘Tauchers’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Thomshill’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Tomdow’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Tomintoul’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Tomnamoon’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Tomnaven’, ‘AB54’]
  • [‘Tomnavoulin’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Torbain’, ‘AB37’]
  • [‘Toreduff’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Towiemore’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Tullich’, ‘AB55’]
  • [‘Tulloch’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Upper Dallachy’, ‘IV32’]
  • [‘Upper Knockando’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Urquhart’, ‘IV30’]
  • [‘Wellhill’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Weston’, ‘AB56’]
  • [‘Whiteacen’, ‘AB38’]
  • [‘Whitemire’, ‘IV36’]
  • [‘Whitewreath’, ‘IV30’]

Ordered List of Cities in Moray in Alphabetical Order

  1. [‘Achnastank’, ‘AB55’]
  2. [‘Aldivalloch’, ‘AB54’]
  3. [‘Aldunie’, ‘AB54’]
  4. [‘Altonside’, ‘IV30’]
  5. [‘Alves’, ‘IV30’]
  6. [‘Archiestown’, ‘AB38’]
  7. [‘Ardgye’, ‘IV30’]
  8. [‘Ardiecow’, ‘AB45’]
  9. [‘Ardoch’, ‘IV36’]
  10. [‘Ardwell’, ‘AB54’]
  11. [‘Arradoul’, ‘AB56’]
  12. [‘Auchbreck’, ‘AB37’]
  13. [‘Auchenhalrig’, ‘IV32’]
  14. [‘Auchlunkart’, ‘AB55’]
  15. [‘Auchmair’, ‘AB54’]
  16. [‘Auchtertyre’, ‘IV30’]
  17. [‘Aultmore’, ‘AB55’]
  18. [‘Backies’, ‘AB56’]
  19. [‘Badnafrave’, ‘AB37’]
  20. [‘Bakebare’, ‘AB55’]
  21. [‘Ballochford’, ‘AB54’]
  22. [‘Bardon’, ‘IV30’]
  23. [‘Barnhill’, ‘IV30’]
  24. [‘Bauds Of Cullen’, ‘AB56’]
  25. [‘Berryhillock’, ‘AB56’]
  26. [‘Bishopmill’, ‘IV30’]
  27. [‘Blackhillock’, ‘AB55’]
  28. [‘Blackhills’, ‘IV30’]
  29. [‘Blairnamarrow’, ‘AB37’]
  30. [‘Blervie Castle’, ‘IV36’]
  31. [“Boat O’ Brig”, ‘IV32’]
  32. [‘Bogmoor’, ‘IV32’]
  33. [‘Bracobrae’, ‘AB55’]
  34. [‘Braehead’, ‘AB55’]
  35. [‘Braes Of Enzie’, ‘AB56’]
  36. [‘Branchill’, ‘IV36’]
  37. [‘Branderburgh’, ‘IV31’]
  38. [‘Briach’, ‘IV36’]
  39. [‘Bridge Of Avon’, ‘AB37’]
  40. [‘Bridge Of Tynet’, ‘AB56’]
  41. [‘Brigehaugh’, ‘AB55’]
  42. [‘Broadley’, ‘AB56’]
  43. [‘Broadrashes’, ‘AB55’]
  44. [‘Buckie’, ‘AB56’]
  45. [‘Burghead’, ‘IV30’]
  46. [‘Buthill’, ‘IV30’]
  47. [‘Cabrach’, ‘AB54’]
  48. [‘Califer’, ‘IV36’]
  49. [‘Cardow’, ‘AB38’]
  50. [‘Carron’, ‘AB38’]
  51. [‘Chapeltown’, ‘AB37’]
  52. [‘Charlestown Of Aberlour’, ‘AB38’]
  53. [‘Clashnoir’, ‘AB37’]
  54. [‘Clochan’, ‘AB56’]
  55. [‘Cloddach’, ‘IV30’]
  56. [‘Cloves’, ‘IV30’]
  57. [‘Clune’, ‘AB56’]
  58. [‘Coltfield’, ‘IV36’]
  59. [‘Conicavel’, ‘IV36’]
  60. [‘Covesea’, ‘IV30’]
  61. [‘Craggan’, ‘AB37’]
  62. [‘Craibstone’, ‘AB56’]
  63. [‘Craigellachie’, ‘AB38’]
  64. [‘Craigend’, ‘IV36’]
  65. [‘Craigroy’, ‘IV36’]
  66. [‘Craigroy Farm’, ‘AB37’]
  67. [‘Crannach’, ‘AB55’]
  68. [‘Crofts Of Buinach’, ‘IV30’]
  69. [‘Cullen’, ‘AB56’]
  70. [‘Cummingstown’, ‘IV30’]
  71. [‘Dalchirach’, ‘AB37’]
  72. [‘Dalestie’, ‘AB37’]
  73. [‘Dallas’, ‘IV36’]
  74. [‘Dandaleith’, ‘AB38’]
  75. [‘Daugh Of Kinermony’, ‘AB38’]
  76. [‘Dava’, ‘PH26’]
  77. [‘Davoch Of Grange’, ‘AB55’]
  78. [‘Deerhill’, ‘AB55’]
  79. [‘Delavorar’, ‘AB37’]
  80. [‘Delnabo’, ‘AB37’]
  81. [‘Dipple’, ‘IV32’]
  82. [‘Drumin’, ‘AB37’]
  83. [‘Drummuir Castle’, ‘AB55’]
  84. [‘Drumnagorrach’, ‘AB55’]
  85. [‘Drybridge’, ‘AB56’]
  86. [‘Dufftown’, ‘AB55’]
  87. [‘Duffus’, ‘IV30’]
  88. [‘Dyke’, ‘IV36’]
  89. [‘Edintore’, ‘AB55’]
  90. [‘Edinvale’, ‘IV36’]
  91. [‘Elgin’, ‘IV30’]
  92. [‘Elrick’, ‘AB54’]
  93. [‘Farmtown’, ‘AB55’]
  94. [‘Favillar’, ‘AB55’]
  95. [‘Fife Keith’, ‘AB55’]
  96. [‘Findhorn’, ‘IV36’]
  97. [‘Findochty’, ‘AB56’]
  98. [‘Findrassie’, ‘IV30’]
  99. [‘Findron’, ‘AB37’]
  100. [‘Floors’, ‘AB55’]
  101. [‘Fochabers’, ‘IV32’]
  102. [‘Fodderletter’, ‘AB37’]
  103. [‘Forgie’, ‘AB55’]
  104. [‘Forres’, ‘IV36’]
  105. [‘Garmouth’, ‘IV32’]
  106. [‘Garralburn’, ‘AB55’]
  107. [‘Glenconglass’, ‘AB37’]
  108. [‘Glenlatterach’, ‘IV30’]
  109. [‘Glenlivet’, ‘AB37’]
  110. [‘Gordonstoun’, ‘IV30’]
  111. [‘Grange Crossroads’, ‘AB55’]
  112. [‘Grange Hall’, ‘IV36’]
  113. [‘Haugh Of Glass’, ‘AB54’]
  114. [‘Hempriggs’, ‘IV36’]
  115. [‘Hillside’, ‘IV30’]
  116. [‘Hoggie’, ‘AB56’]
  117. [‘Hopeman’, ‘IV30’]
  118. [‘Ianstown’, ‘AB56’]
  119. [‘Inchberry’, ‘IV32’]
  120. [‘Inchrory’, ‘AB37’]
  121. [‘Invererne’, ‘IV36’]
  122. [‘Inverharroch’, ‘AB54’]
  123. [‘Keith’, ‘AB55’]
  124. [‘Keithmore’, ‘AB55’]
  125. [‘Kellas’, ‘IV30’]
  126. [‘Kingston’, ‘IV32’]
  127. [‘Kinloss’, ‘IV36’]
  128. [‘Kintessack’, ‘IV36’]
  129. [‘Kirkhill’, ‘AB38’]
  130. [‘Kirktown Of Deskford’, ‘AB56’]
  131. [‘Knabbygates’, ‘AB54’]
  132. [‘Knock’, ‘AB54’]
  133. [‘Knockandhu’, ‘AB37’]
  134. [‘Knockando’, ‘AB38’]
  135. [‘Laggan’, ‘AB55’]
  136. [‘Lagganvoulin’, ‘AB37’]
  137. [‘Leanoch’, ‘IV30’]
  138. [‘Lhanbryde’, ‘IV30’]
  139. [‘Limehillock’, ‘AB55’]
  140. [‘Lintmill’, ‘AB56’]
  141. [‘Lochhill’, ‘IV30’]
  142. [‘Logie’, ‘IV36’]
  143. [‘Longmorn’, ‘IV30’]
  144. [‘Lossiemouth’, ‘IV31’]
  145. [‘Lynemore’, ‘AB37’]
  146. [‘Maggieknockater’, ‘AB38’]
  147. [‘Mains Of Burgie’, ‘IV36’]
  148. [‘Mains Of Sluie’, ‘IV36’]
  149. [‘Mains Of Tannachy’, ‘AB56’]
  150. [‘Marypark’, ‘AB37’]
  151. [‘Mayen’, ‘AB54’]
  152. [‘Milltown Of Auchindown’, ‘AB55’]
  153. [‘Milltown Of Edinvillie’, ‘AB38’]
  154. [‘Milltown Of Rothiemay’, ‘AB54’]
  155. [‘Milton’, ‘AB56’]
  156. [‘Miltonduff’, ‘IV30’]
  157. [‘Miltonhill’, ‘IV36’]
  158. [‘Moss Of Barmuckity’, ‘IV30’]
  159. [‘Moss-Side’, ‘AB54’]
  160. [‘Mosstodloch’, ‘IV32’]
  161. [‘Moy House’, ‘IV36’]
  162. [‘Muir Of Lochs’, ‘IV32’]
  163. [‘Muirhead’, ‘IV36’]
  164. [‘Mulben’, ‘AB55’]
  165. [‘Nether Dallachy’, ‘IV32’]
  166. [‘New Elgin’, ‘IV30’]
  167. [‘Newmill’, ‘AB55’]
  168. [‘Newton Of Dalvey’, ‘IV36’]
  169. [‘North Bogbain’, ‘AB55’]
  170. [‘Oakenhead’, ‘IV31’]
  171. [‘Orbliston’, ‘IV32’]
  172. [‘Ordiequish’, ‘IV32’]
  173. [‘Paddockhaugh’, ‘IV30’]
  174. [‘Palmerscross’, ‘IV30’]
  175. [‘Parkmore’, ‘AB55’]
  176. [‘Phorp’, ‘IV36’]
  177. [‘Pittendreich’, ‘IV30’]
  178. [‘Portessie’, ‘AB56’]
  179. [‘Portgordon’, ‘AB56’]
  180. [‘Portknockie’, ‘AB56’]
  181. [‘Presley’, ‘IV36’]
  182. [‘Quarrywood’, ‘IV30’]
  183. [‘Rafford’, ‘IV36’]
  184. [‘Rathven’, ‘AB56’]
  185. [‘Redhill’, ‘AB54’]
  186. [‘Relugas’, ‘IV36’]
  187. [‘Ringorm’, ‘AB38’]
  188. [‘Robertstown’, ‘AB38’]
  189. [‘Rosarie’, ‘AB55’]
  190. [‘Roseisle’, ‘IV30’]
  191. [‘Rothes’, ‘AB38’]
  192. [‘Seatown’, ‘AB56’]
  193. [‘Sheandow’, ‘AB38’]
  194. [‘Shenval’, ‘AB37’]
  195. [‘Sillyearn’, ‘AB55’]
  196. [‘Slackhead’, ‘AB56’]
  197. [‘Slate Haugh’, ‘AB56’]
  198. [‘Spey Bay’, ‘IV32’]
  199. [‘Speyview’, ‘AB38’]
  200. [‘Springfield’, ‘IV36’]
  201. [‘Stotfield’, ‘IV31’]
  202. [‘Tauchers’, ‘AB55’]
  203. [‘Thomshill’, ‘IV30’]
  204. [‘Tomdow’, ‘IV36’]
  205. [‘Tomintoul’, ‘AB37’]
  206. [‘Tomnamoon’, ‘IV36’]
  207. [‘Tomnaven’, ‘AB54’]
  208. [‘Tomnavoulin’, ‘AB37’]
  209. [‘Torbain’, ‘AB37’]
  210. [‘Toreduff’, ‘IV36’]
  211. [‘Towiemore’, ‘AB55’]
  212. [‘Tullich’, ‘AB55’]
  213. [‘Tulloch’, ‘IV36’]
  214. [‘Upper Dallachy’, ‘IV32’]
  215. [‘Upper Knockando’, ‘AB38’]
  216. [‘Urquhart’, ‘IV30’]
  217. [‘Wellhill’, ‘IV36’]
  218. [‘Weston’, ‘AB56’]
  219. [‘Whiteacen’, ‘AB38’]
  220. [‘Whitemire’, ‘IV36’]
  221. [‘Whitewreath’, ‘IV30’]